• darkblurbg
    Welcome To SunRise
    Your portal for all things data related.

Plan Data Submission

Everything you’ll need to successfully submit your plan data including instructions for our SFTP site and a complete set of plan data file requirements.


Track the progress of your plan data files through the SunFire process from receipt, testing to final approval.

Validation and Approval

Use our online tools to streamline your data validation process. Remember we need your written approval to move your plan data on to production.

Welcome To SunRise

SunRise is a collection of online tools designed to streamline the plan data collection and approval process for our carrier partners.

  • Track your submission with the SunRise Data Check-in tool
  • Use our SunRise Plan Data Reports and Plan Comparison Tool to validate your plan data
  • Report and track any issues requiring follow-up with our incident tracking tool

Our goal is to ensure the timeliness, accuracy and integrity of your plan data. We’re using a combination of high tech, cloud based automation and good old fashion, high touch customer service to streamline the entire process. Your success is our success.

SunFire CEO, Ross Blair